Our services

A powerful and innovative feature set


Multi-layer security

Based on the synergy of various protection techniques.

  • Classic detection routine
  • Signitures, masks and hashes
  • Cloud detection

Data rollback

Operation which give you access to return the database to some previous state with two clicks.

  • High Availability option
  • Automatic healing & automatic failover

DDoS IP Protection

DDoS Protection solution uses globally located detectors and scrubbing centers that recognize and protect you from volumetric- and protocol-based DDoS attacks on your servers.


Managed Cyber Security

End-to-end managed security services that combine a thorough investigation of your infrastructure.

  • Emergency Response Team
  • In-depth intake investigation

Optimal Performance

Set up specific profiles and rules to efficiently mitigate threats, and integrate different information and metrics in our dashboards to have a complete overview at all times.


Attack simulations

Automatically detect Vulnerabilities (including injection flaws found by taint analysis).

  • Injections
  • Sensetive Data Exposure
  • Cross-Site Scripting XSS

Protect your Office from Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

A single cybersecurity vulnerability can leave embedded systems defenseless to data breaches, cyberattacks, and other cyber incidents. Unfortunately, cybersecurity vulnerabilities are an ever-present threat.
We can teach you and your team how to identify and protect yourself.